1. Mark which group do you belong to80 responses
2. Do you know the Rights of the Child?79 responses
3. Are the Rights of the Child obeyed at your school? To what extent? Mark from 1 to 5 where 1 means that the Rights are not obeyed at all and 5 – that they are definitely obeyed.80 responses
4. Do the teachers at your school inform students about their rights?80 responses
5. Do you know the difference between an immigrant and a refugee?80 responses
6. In your opinion should your country accommodate the refugees?79 responses
7. In your opinion should your country accommodate the immigrants?80 responses
8. What are the benefits of accommodating the immigrants by your country?80 responses
9. In your opinion are the immigrants trustworthy and reliable?79 responses
10. In your opinion is your nation receptive and willing to accommodate the immigrants:80 responses
11. Would you mind if any immigrant family lived in your close neighbourhood?80 responses
12. In your opinion is saving water a serious problem? To what extent? Mark from 1 to 5 where 1 means that it is not a serious problem and 5 – that it is a serious problem.80 responses
13. How do you save the water?80 responses
14. Are students at your school allowed to give their opinion about matters connected with “school life”?47 responses
15. To what extent can you influence the things that happen at your school. Mark from 1 to 5 where 1 means that you have no influence and 5 – that you have great influence on the things at school.53 responses
16. To what extent are teachers at your school prepared to work with multicultural group of people? Mark from 1 to 5 where 1 means that they are not prepared and 5 – that they are well-prepared.32 responses
17. Would you like your child to attend a multicultural class?31 responses
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